Programs & Services

  • Programs & Services

    Welcome! This is where you can learn about the services offered by housing counseling agencies, what to expect within each type of service offered, and how you can engage with your Housing Counselor to accomplish your housing and financial goals.

    NHS of Baltimore offers the following housing counseling services: group education, prepurchase, financial coaching, and rehab loans (post purchase). We DO NOT offer foreclosure intervention, renter, reverse mortgage or homelessness services. 

    Having trouble creating an account? Your email address may already be registered in our system. Call for help. 410-327-1200 ext. 104 or 157. Create Account

  • Group Education

  • Pre-Purchase Counseling

    • What is Pre-Purchase Counseling?

    • What can I expect when I engage with a Pre-Purchase counselor?

    • How do I get started?

  • Financial Coaching

    • What is Financial Coaching?

    • What can I expect when I engage with a Financial Coach?

    • How do I get started?

  • Rehab Loans (Post-Purchase)

    • What is Post-Purchase Counseling?

    • What can I expect when I engage with a Post-Purchase counselor?

    • How do I get started?

  • Foreclosure Intervention Services

  • Reverse Mortgage/HECM Counseling

    • What is Reverse Mortgage/HECM Counseling?

    • What can I expect when I engage with a Reverse Mortgage/HECM Counselor?

    • NHS of Baltimore DOES NOT provide Reverse Mortgage/HECM Counseling.

  • Renter Counseling

  • Homeless Counseling

    • What is Homeless Counseling?

    • What can I expect when I engage with a Homeless counselor?

    • NHS of Baltimore DOES NOT provide Homeless Counseling.